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iOttie Velox MagSafe Qi2 Wireless Dash & Windshield Mount
iOttie Velox MagSafe Qi2 Wireless Dash & Windshield Mount
iOttie Velox MagSafe Qi2 Wireless Dash & Windshield Mount
- Designed exclusively for Qi2-enabled devices including MagSafe series iPhones and cases
- 15W of power to keep your phone powered up on the go
- Strong magnets hold your phone in place while you drive, even on rough roads
- Effortlessly extends from 4 to 6.75 inches and pivots on a 260° arc for ultimate flexibility
- Quickly installs on dashboards and windshields via super strong, reusable suction cup base with sticky gel formula
- Vents located around the circumference of the mount help dissipate heat
Package includes:
- car holder
- dashboard pad
- power adapter
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